Aug/Sept 2021 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 23


Animals as

Spiritual Teachers , Catalysts , and Powerful Wisdom Guides BY LYNN MCKENZIE


It is my firm belief that animals were put on this earth not only to be friends and companions for us , but to share their deep , divine wisdom with us ; each of them possesses it and eagerly wants to impart it to us . It ’ s also my belief that all sentient beings are equal and that animals have souls and a spiritual essence just as humans do . No being is here on Earth by accident ; each one has a unique purpose to fulfill . What if an animal ’ s express purpose in life was to partner with , guide , and teach you ?

I wasn ’ t always fully aware of the potential and depth of our connection with animals and their ability to help and guide our lives .
As it turned out for me , it took the nudging and guidance of a few special animals in my own life to reveal to me the path that led me to where I am today .
My golden retriever , Jiggs , was my catalyst , teacher , and guide in my life — among other things . When I adopted him as a nine-weekold puppy , he began leading me down a rapid path of spiritual transformation that ultimately nudged me toward several profound life changes resulting in the highest expression of my life ’ s calling and purpose .
After Jiggs experienced a series of ailments my veterinarian couldn ’ t get under control ,