Aug/Sept 2021 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 22

22 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2021
your chest , and can be a very subtle experience that requires spaciousness and a quiet environment in which you learn to connect . When you ask things like “ Will this make me happy ?” or “ Is this the correct direction for me ?” listen to the words you say , as that is where you will find the truth .
coaster ride of emotions about the situation . This could take a few minutes , hours , days , or longer to process your emotions . Your answer is the clarity you receive in the neutral stillness at the end of the emotional highs and lows . If you make a decision before your emotional processing is complete , you are likely to make a decision that is more challenging for you . Pay attention to how you are feeling in the moment and over time . Be patient with yourself as you go through your emotions .
When you have Heart Authority ( also known as Ego Manifested or Ego Projected ), it is your job to make something happen if your heart wants it . It is straightforward and direct . What do you deeply value ? What is your heart ’ s desire ? If your heart is not in it , the answer is no . If this answer is yes , it is a deep , heart-felt wanting that is absent of ego .
With Self-Authority , your decisions are made through an innate knowing that you can ’ t explain . It is like a flower unfolding in
When you have Outer Authority ( No Inner Authority ), your decisions are made through an external process . Ideas must be researched and fully thought through over a period of time , and the sum total of the experience gives you your direction . If you are a Mental Projector type , your environment will provide you with sensory information to give you guidance . If you are a Reflector , you will need a full 29- day lunar cycle to experience all possibilities to make an informed decision . Patience and timing are critical .
When you fully embrace your life by living from your soul ’ s yes ( your Inner Authority ), you will create magic . You don ’ t need to know every step ahead of time in order to reach your goals ; just learn to follow stepby-step guidance from your higher self in each moment .

Trust yourself and the Universe , and you can absolutely design your BEST LIFE !

22 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2021