Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/March 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue: Inner Prospe | Page 61

How to Discover Your Personal Truth & Find the Courage to Live by It L BY LAURA CLARK istening to your heart, finding out who you are, what your truth is at any time in your life, and having the courage to follow that, may not be simple. But it is a skill. And, once developed, it is an art that when practiced leads to walking on the path of joy and abundance. Listening to your inner wisdom goes beyond mindset. It goes beyond simply shifting thoughts from negative to positive. Though, you do need to know how to do this. Listening to your inner wisdom goes beyond being able to feel your emotions and not react to them. But rather see them as part of your human experience and create the response you want to have. Though, you do need to be able to do this. Listening to your inner wisdom goes beyond having a strong, healthy, vibrant body. Though, you do need to have this to be a receptacle to hearing the wisdom within. 61