Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2017 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 59

deep into the earth or like a candle melting down from the inside dripping and pooling at the base of my spine if i was someone who would say it ’ s my kundalini coiling and rising then i would say that now allowing my body to feel the sensation of wanting don ’ t have to try so hard don ’ t have to try or think at all to conjure anything to get myself anywhere other than where i am the point of contact the point of entry as friction gives way purely physical response riding the edge of the wave unharnessed pleasure blossoming and going over the richness and the yumminess of it the heightened sense of being held and belonging upon return to this body and breath let go of the ground that has held you recognize that your only hope is to be comfortable with uncertainty so much strength and stamina found in the ungrounding sailing past safety I can ’ t go back into the darkness after finally emerging into the light worthy and deserving of desire finally i am allowing love
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Nancy Levin - Nancy , bestselling author of Worthy : Boost Your Self- Worth to Grow Your Net Worth , Jump … And Your Life Will Appear and Writing For My Life , is a Master Integrative Life Coach and hosts her own weekly call-in radio show Jump Start Your Life on Hay House Radio . Visit Nancy at www . nancylevin . com .