Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2017 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 21

decision , and it started a cascade of positive events . This magic happened because you were in alignment with Source and your true self ― and you can recreate it again , anytime you want !
Life is not meant to be a struggle . We create our own struggles . When we are out of alignment with Source , and giving too much attention to ego , we can start to feel depleted , defeated , and lost . We start to believe that our ego is right : we aren ’ t good enough , worthy enough , or smart enough . We then start to engage in thoughts , actions , and habits which don ’ t serve our greatest good , which in turn creates more problems , and can even make us give up on our dreams .

Here are some simple ways to open the connection to your Source and true self :

• Acknowledge the inner voices you hear on a daily basis . Which support you ? Which bring you down ? Sort them out so you can choose which ones to listen to .
• Meditate . When you quiet your thoughts , you are more likely to hear the voice of Source clearly .
• Become judgment-free . Stop telling yourself that what you desire is wrong . If your desire is coming from your authentic self , it is tied to your purpose , and you are meant to fulfill it .
• Work with intention , not outcome . Hold the intention of what you desire , and take action to achieve it , but detach from the outcome . Stand aside and watch the process unfold , and trust that you will know what to do when the time comes .
• Believe that you are worthy . One of the laws of the universe is , “ Like attracts like .” What you focus on expands . If you are constantly thinking of your unworthiness , you will undermine your efforts to fulfill your soul ’ s desires . Conversely , if you believe that you are worthy , you will attract circumstances , people , and opportunities that support that belief .
Understanding your deepest , Source-driven desires ― and supporting them through your beliefs , actions , and habits ― is the first step toward accelerating wealth , health , and happiness in your life . So dream big , and trust that everything you need to fulfill your biggest dreams and desires is already inside you . Your soul knows the way for you to grow and blossom : all you have to do is follow .
Online !
Ann Sanfelippo - NEED Sought-after Success Coach and International Bestselling Author , Ann Sanfelippo has been traveling the world for over 15 years as a Motivational Speaker and Master Trainer for some of the biggest names in personal development and wealth creation . Ann studied the success philosophies of some of the most powerful influencers in the world , created her own 7-figure lifestyle business by the time she was 40 and has helped thousands of individuals create the wealth and abundance they desire .
Following the calling of her soul , Ann recently founded the Wealth AttractionTM Academy to provide women with the empowering tools , programs and coaching that they need to manifest the abundant life of their dreams — financially , emotionally , and spiritually . Merging her concrete business and success skills with the Law of Attraction , the power of beliefs , mindset and more , Ann empowers women to accelerate their health , wealth and happiness . Learn more at www . WealthAttractionAcademy . com .