Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2017 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 20

20 www . AspireMAG . net | February / March 2017
talks you out of it , the dream that makes you feel like you can fly . That dream is your true desire , and it is connected to Source .

Supporting Your Desires Through Action

Your inner Source-connection can show you your deepest , truest dreams and desires , but it can ’ t make them happen for you . You need to do that by changing your beliefs , thoughts , actions , and habits .
We live in a free-will universe , but there are laws that rule how it operates . These laws are neutral ; they are neither good nor bad . Everything in our universe is energy . You can attract energies that nurture your desires , fulfill you , expand you , and touch others in positive ways . Or , you can attract energies that work against you , and move you further away from what you really want .
In order to attract the energies that contribute to the fulfillment of your desires , you need to understand what your desires actually are . True desires , which are tied to your greater purpose , your authentic self , and your inner Source , are often different than ( or even counter to ) the desires of your ego . When you are not in touch with your inner Source , you can end up chasing material possessions or temporary pleasures , believing that they will buy fulfillment . But satisfying these desires won ’ t make you happy for more than a moment at a time ; in fact , by feeding them , you may find yourself in a never-ending pursuit of “ the next big thing .”
How can you know if your desires are coming from your true self or your ego self ? It ’ s simple : when a desire emerges , ask yourself : “ Is this desire more about being , or doing ? Giving , or getting ?” Being and giving are usually soul desires .
Once you are in touch with your true , Source-given desires , look at your beliefs , thoughts , and habits to see if they are moving you closer to , or further away from , those desires . Ask yourself , “ Am I being what I want to attract ?” For example : if more money is what you desire , are you currently being a good steward of money ? Money is just a tool , after all ; what you create with the money you have decides how much more you will attract . If you ’ re looking for a great relationship , are you treating yourself with the love you want to receive ? If you desire better health , are you truly seeking to nourish yourself from the inside out , or just eating “ right ” because someone said you should ?


If you want to live with the greatest purpose ,
passion , and contentment , your desires have to line up with who you are at a soul level . When you are connected to that energy , you will be unstoppable . Just as Nature fills a seed with everything it needs to grow , your inner Source and true self can fill your desires with everything they need to manifest . When you quiet the voice of ego , and listen instead to the voice of Source , your beliefs will support your thoughts , your thoughts will support your actions , your actions will support your habits , and your habits will create a new reality for you every day . Everything in your life will begin to fall into place with greater ease and joy , because everything you do each day will be in total alignment with your soul ’ s desires .
It sounds like a lot , I know . But , chances are , you ’ ve experienced this already ! Think of a time in your life when everything seemed to be falling into place . You made a good

20 www . AspireMAG . net | February / March 2017