Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Aug/Sept 2019 Aspire Mag FINAL | Page 34

is one based on faith and evidence, which only comes after faith. The most effective way you can convince yourself that you can be trusted is to show yourself. NOTE: Sometimes, the choices that seem to come with the worst outcomes are often the most important lessons you need to learn. There exists an element of trust, even when something seems like a mistake. The ability to trust that a sequence of events is the exact right circumstance for you, hinges on the ability to see past the discomfort of it. When I make a decision based on my intuition, and it comes with unintended elements; I allow myself to rest in the moment and to receive all that the choice and outcomes have to teach me. If you look quietly, you will begin to see the growth, the lesson, the purpose. You will allow yourself to trust. 2 TEST YOUR INTUITION I love playing games with myself and testing the best way to hear my inner voice and how different things manifest most easily. I would start with just listening to your intuition about small things, like which street to turn on for a great parking spot. The grocery store is also a fun place to test your intuition. I like to peruse the aisles and select a sale item 34 that I generally don’t buy. Then I follow my inner guidance to pair things with it. In total transparency, there have been a few fails in this exercise, but I always keep the perspective that this is for fun and my inner guidance was providing me with evidence that I don’t need to try gefilte fish again. This exercise has also allowed me to have some of the most unexpected, really amazing foods, too, including rambutan. Never heard of it? Go ahead and Google. On the outside, ugly, spiny, hairy; on the inside, it is a rich, fresh and sweet fruit similar to a lychee. Test it and treat yourself! 3 HAVE FUN WITH IT This is always the most difficult part. If you are emotionally invested in the outcomes and events, you will inevitably feel some level of stress. If you just surrender and allow the universe and your higher self to guide you, you can give yourself permission to just be in the present and enjoy the moment…. Knowing that the exact scenario is unfolding in the exact right way to support you. I recently signed up for an event in Sedona, without knowing anything about the location, very little about the host and not one other participant. Just after I made the reservations, I wondered to myself - what exactly I was doing. As I settled into the knowing that I can trust the decisions I make and my intuition, I discovered that I was embarking on a life affirming journey into my own sovereignty. That level of personal growth would never have been possible if I was not willing to trust. | August / September 2019