Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Aug/Sept 2019 Aspire Mag FINAL | Page 33

The (Almost Fatal) Cost of Dismissing My Intuition The truth is, I was intentionally dismissing my intuition; even when it was screaming at me. It came to a head one night, when my refusal to listen to my inner voice resulted in an almost fatal accident. I was out of town on a trip with my husband and children and ended up in a devastating car crash. Before we left, I had numerous indications from my intuition that something was amiss, and we should not be going on the trip. That night, I tried to pull myself together and I held my children as they quaked with fear. I realized that I had no choice but to start listening, if not for me then for them. Stepping onto the Path of Trust. I had no idea how to start trusting myself and my inner voice, but I knew that there was no one else in the universe that was a bigger champion for me. I was the only one who always showed up and I had to learn to rely “The ability to trust that a sequence of events is the exact right circumstance for you, hinges on the ability to see past the discomfort of it.” I rehashed all the mom guilt, judgment about self-image, and bad relationships that I knew weren’t in my best interest, it would all play out as I tossed and turned. I questioned if I’d ever be able to trust myself and my judgment again. I had come to believe my track record of always making the wrong choice. This belief became pervasive in my career and my personal life. I couldn’t choose a pair of shoes to wear without second, third and fourth guessing myself. Can you relate? – JAMI HEARN on ME! The next day, I set out to have at least one celebration of trust. I started with small, bite-sized steps that were manageable, without creating more stressful, sleepless nights. I grew into allowing my intuition to guide me in making decisions about flying across the country to attend an event because I was led to, without overthinking or creating stress for myself. Here are 3 basic principles that I have adopted to rebuild and continue to strengthen my ability to trust myself. 1 GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY Ego is always throwing up blocks to keep you small and safe. Ego does not operate in faith and your new relationship with trust 33