Oct/Nov 2022 Aspire Magazine SAMPLE Issue 1 | Page 2

As a woman says , “ Yes ” to her inner light , she sheds the illusions of who she thought she had to be , the roles she thought she had to play , and the limiting beliefs about her self-worth to discover that within her was the magic to co-create her life from a place of truth and authenticity .

In Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo , you will meet a collective of empowered women whose stories of self-discovery and transformation reflect the grit , courage , and perseverance it took to change course in the middle of their lives — which will inspire you to reclaim your midlife mojo .
There comes a time in every woman ’ s midlife journey when she experiences a yearning from within — a restlessness , a calling — from the deepest recesses of her heart calling her to own her light .
For some , the yearning shows up as a gentle nudge whispering to her . For others , it manifests as a shout with a sense of urgency . No matter how it shows up , it ’ s a calling to reclaim her inner mojo — her own unique magic and feminine wisdom .
But she won ’ t fully be able to appreciate what she hears until she walks the often bitter road of self-discovery , slowly peeling back layer after layer of false masks and limiting beliefs until the separation between herself and her soul no longer exists .
As a woman says , “ Yes ” to her inner light , she sheds the illusions of who she thought she had to be , the roles she thought she had to play , and the limiting beliefs about her self-worth to discover that within her was the magic to co-create her life from a place of truth and authenticity .
On that day , she will come face-to-face with her inner mojo — her divine essence — and the two will become one , embracing , dancing , and celebrating the homecoming .


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