Oct/Nov 2021 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 54

54 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2021

... be present and aware of all that has happened and look for the gift in all your experiences .

had been a challenge for me . The Healing Through the Heart portal showed herself to me when I fully stepped into my intuitive gifts and owned my spiritual business . I can talk a good talk – but didn ’ t always walk that talk … Allowing the energy to flow through the ground / my feet to my heart felt dangerous . I loved being in my head ! Logic = Safe ! Spiritual Connection = Safe ! Feeling and acting = not so safe . Clearing energy to be safe in my body and take action on the guidance was the gift of this portal .
Growing up I was encouraged and acknowledged as the logical one . Writing and creativity was not rewarded . I spent many years in corporate doing engineering management work and using the logical part of my brain . I excelled at it , and it was easy – but it didn ’ t fulfill me . The Writing To Be Me portal opened when I wrote a chapter in my first anthology book . It was the craziest , deepest healing experience of my life . I spoke my truth . I acknowledged me . I was my authentic self . I created an ongoing love affair with writing and journaling for growth and healing .
There have been many other healing portals along the way and one of the biggest is “ I AM ” More Important than my Fear . This beauty invites us to be us , no matter what our ego tells us might happen if we show up as authentic .
So how do we acknowledge the steps to utilize this Sacred Haven energy ? How do we review our lives and see the many times that Sacred Haven healing and living has been present ?
The answer is to be present and aware of all that has happened and look for the gift in all your experiences . Here are the steps to help us be present and centered and start the journey to happiness . Awareness is key in recognizing the healing portals that we have and have created ,

1 : Pillar of White Light .

Imagine a pillar of white light , like a flashlight beam , that shines from your heart to a star 36 inches above your head . Imagine this light connecting into the divine masculine energy and inspiration .
Then allow the light to shine from your heart to the center of the earth . Connecting into the pulsing radiance of mother earth , the divine feminine and connection energy .
With each breath remember you are valued and have value .

2 : Ground yourself in the Seven Directions .

To truly feel divine alignment and healing we must center ourselves in the 7 directions . This allows us to see the healing we have completed and the healing still to come .

54 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2021