Oct/Nov 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 52

52 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2020
The ART of


The Art of Self-Nurturing : Giving Yourself Permission


If we understand the concept of putting on

our own oxygen mask before helping others , then why is it so hard to put this wisdom into action ? The answer lies with the false belief so many women hold that to have value , we must take care of other people .
Traditionally women were socialized to nurture others and attached their value and worth to this role . Over time more roles were added to our expectations of women , including working outside the home , volunteering in the community , holding leadership roles of different kinds , and being the best mother , daughter , partner , and friend that they can be .
The expectation that women should be everything to everyone results in women feeling that they never measure up . I have often heard women say that there must be something wrong with them that they cannot meet these unattainable standards . These unrealistic expectations fuel the cycle of giving more and more , which leads to more

52 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2020