Oct/Nov 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 44

44 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2020

Anyone can experience creative blocks whether they are writing , painting , sewing , crafting , cooking , coaching , or the creativity to be an entrepreneur .

If you a writer yearning to midwife a book onto the best seller list at Amazon or the New York Times , writer ’ s block can keep you tossing and turning in your bed at night while fears and doubts haunt your dreams . As a published author it may be that you ’ re afraid you ’ re a ‘ one hit wonder ’ — can you create your next successful book ?
Writer ’ s block can be especially troublesome for entrepreneurs writing an email , website copy , newsletter , blog post , or article . It ’ s no fun struggling to craft your perfect video script or signature talk . How irksome it is to sit looking at a blank screen , struggling to create content for online courses . Journaling can be a helpful tool for reflection and resetting but even that can be a drag if you start - then come to a screeching halt .
Journaling can be very soothing , reflecting on unprecedented times , racial unrest , uncertain economic conditions , and the upheaval in your home life with home schooling and the now ever-present use of technology . There can be gifts of clarity , but what if you are blocked , feeling stuck and overwhelmed ?
Your muse is nowhere in sight due to stress . Your mind plays tricks with your body . Stress is a natural outcome and creates the fight or flight response . It ’ s no wonder you ’ re prevented from your creative flow when you ’ re in survival mode . It is like you ’ re in a kayak focused on navigating a river of Class 5 rapids to avoid crashing into boulders and capsizing . And the fact is — many of those

Creative blocks shut off the ease and flow of inspirational downloads from your soul connection .

boulders aren ’ t real . They are the limiting beliefs from birth , as well as evolutionary and karmic memories , programmed into your subconscious . The danger may not be as real as you perceive it to be . Your imagination may be hijacking your reality .
By learning how to interrupt your stress response you can reprogram your mindset so that the rapids reduce to a Class 1 - and with time you may just choose to bypass the rapids and paddle into the calm stretch so that you can float with ease into creativity — and life . Instead of the stress and overwhelm , take a moment to breathe , soak in nature ’ s glory , and revel in gratitude for the positives . Sense your creative flow turning on . Now how does that sound ?
Creative blocks shut off the ease and flow of inspirational downloads from your soul connection . With a quiet mind and being present in your body , there is a feeling of grace , peace , and expansive , eternal energy available to you . There you may experience

44 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2020