Jun/Jul 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 33

— something I thought I had conquered in the past but which was showing up in a whole new way for me . I had been asking for help from my guides in meditation and more casually throughout my day , trying to figure out my next spiritual move in difficult circumstances . My request was genuine ; when my guides decided to show me what they did , I acted upon it by shifting my relationship with fear entirely . Perhaps this is why they chose that moment to reveal the lesson : my next move was to work with my own fear .
Our guides are always ready to help us recognize the lesson . We have to do our own work to be ready to receive it . We have to be willing to accept what they offer and act upon it . To face fear completely , therefore , we need to have already faced the fear of what we might see in the mirror . We need to be willing to understand our participation in the challenges we face .
I like to think of this willingness as leaning into the lessons . When we lean into the lessons , we immediately start clearing space for what ’ s bothering us to be resolved . Sitting with our own discomfort is part of spiritual growth . Working with fear consciously forces us into that discomfort , which is part of why it ’ s so valuable . Then , instead of shying away from what arises , we can lean into it , asking our guides to show us whatever it is that we ’ re meant to be learning . We can do that in passing ; we can do it in meditation ; we can do it in writing ; we can chant it aloud . It doesn ’ t matter how we ask ; our guides will answer . When they do , the answer they give will have everything to do with our spiritual growth . It will show us where we need to work next — with fear , and beyond it .
Excerpted from the book from Medium Mentor : 10 Powerful Techniques to Awaken Divine Guidance for Yourself and Others . Copyright © 2022 by MaryAnn DiMarco . Printed with permission from New World Library
MARYANN DIMARCO - MaryAnn is the author of Medium Mentor : 10 Powerful Techniques to Awaken Divine Guidance for Yourself and Others . An internationally recognized psychic medium , healer , and spiritual teacher , her work has been featured in media outlets like The New York Times , The Dr . Oz Show , Women ’ s Health , Elle , and Redbook . Visit her online at www . MaryAnnDiMarco . com .

“ Our guides are always ready to help us recognize the lesson .”

Maryann Dimarco