Dec 2021/Jan 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 47



You ’ ve discovered your genius and natural endowments and contribute these to others in deep , meaningful ways . We all have a mission whether we realize it or not . And part of each of our missions is to help people stuck in the muck to see their own and share it with the universe . You continually seek guidance and practical steps you can implement to accomplish your next-level goals .
You don ’ t wait for someone to ask you , validate you , or invite you . You simply show up fully yourself . You know you don ’ t need to be anointed to fully share your genius and talents .
Opportunities consistently present themselves to you while miraculously being exactly what you need when you need it or happen to be exactly what you were looking for .


You have created a thriving livelihood that ’ s aligned with your values . You live in a prosperous flow with more than enough to take care of yourself and your family , as well as to be benevolent and generous to causes that touch your heart . You ’ re unwilling to settle for any other kind of life than this .
One thing you ’ re unwilling to do is listen to the naysayers . You got used to winning and losing , the good and the bad , the ups and the downs . And , for goodness ’ sake , you stopped trying to be the “ good girl ” a long time ago .
It feels like you were always supposed to be right where you are . It ’ s simply meant for you . Your life is not the only one that changed because you are altering the lives of everyone around you for the better .


You express your creativity and manifest your desires easily . You know how to magnetize all your desires and to enjoy the finer things in life simply by showing up as who you truly are . You ’ re inspired , pumped , energized , a little nervous , and excited all at the same time .
You already knew what a knock-it-outof-the-park life looked like for you so you