Dec 2021/Jan 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 40

40 www . AspireMAG . net | December 2021 / January 2022
actions aligned with where you ’ re going and what you want to create .
• Meditate for fifteen minutes each morning . 

• Start a gratitude journal : at the end of each day , write down five things for which you ’ re grateful . 

• Read or listen to personal development books while you drive , work out , or take on other tasks . 

• Listen to positive and uplifting music . 

Zig Ziglar once said , “ People often say that motivation doesn ’ t last . Well , neither does bathing — that ’ s why we recommend it daily .” 
 A daily practice is the best way to become , and stay , at peace with yourself and the world . e trick to motivating yourself is to think about the end result every day . Imagine the best possible outcome , and then set an intention to create that .
If you ’ ve had bad or unhelpful programming running your life for twenty , thirty , or forty years , don ’ t expect things to change in an instant . Big shifts take time and dedication . But if you continually keep working on your positive mindset , and watching the thoughts and words which create your actions and habits , you will change your destiny .
It is possible to manifest the life ofyour dreams .
If I can , so can you .
ANN SANFELIPPO - Ann Sanfelippo is a Wealth Alchemist to men and women desiring to create more money in less time and loving their life as they do it .
She empowers her clients to elevate their wealth consciousness by getting out of their own way , surrendering to their struggles and manifesting the life of their dreams through raising their energetic frequency so they can create more money , experience better health and enjoy more happiness .
She is a highly sought-after keynote speaker who has spoken on over 500 stages to over a half million people on the topics of wealth creation , universal laws and success , and energy leadership skills . She is also the author of several # 1 International bestselling books and The Wealth Attraction ® Formula : How to Attract Wealth & Manifest the Life of Your Dreams .
Ann has trained with and for industry leaders including Tony Robbins , Dean Graziosi , Brendon Burchard and Robert Kiyosaki . These powerful influencers , as mentors , inspired the Wealth Attraction ® Formula--which is 25-years of experiences and life lessons learned streamlined to a simple-to-follow recipe for success in life . Download your free “ Attract Wealth , Health & Happiness ” 4-piece gift set today at www . AnnSanfelippo . com .

“ Big shifts take time and dedication .”

Ann Sanfelippo

40 www . AspireMAG . net | December 2021 / January 2022