Dec 2021/Jan 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 33

I have created a powerful process for myself . If you use it , make sure to adjust it to resonate with your frequency and preferences . There is nothing special about the exact way to get from start to finish . The real magic happens when you go off script .

1 . Take inventory and honor the past

Find a quiet space and dedicate time to this step . This is the special sauce that is going to amplify your process . Light a candle and create a sacred space . Those of you who are connected with nature and the earth , outside is a great option . Allow your mind to wander through the last year . Write down any significant events , good and bad . Go back farther , allow things to come up . Don ’ t judge the things that occur to you and absolutely DO NOT push them away . The hard stuff is the most important here . The things you want to look away from and try to get out of your head are the ones taking up valuable real estate and yearning to be healed . Do the hard things . Cry the tears . Feel the anger . And then open to the healing and possibilities that are before you .

2 . Identify what you wish to complete

Now that you have taken inventory , it is time to identify what you are ready to be done with . I look at the notes I take during the first step and I intuitively know which are ready to be complete . You will know too , just don ’ t doubt yourself . If you are feeling like something is ready to be complete and you know you are done with it , but can ’ t imagine how – go with it . The how is not your responsibility .

3 . Identify what you wish to create and give life to it

This part is my favorite . I like doing this step with the sun shining on my face and a cozy blanket wrapped around me …. Just in case you needed some ideas . Close your eyes and day dream . You can even speak your intention out loud . Something like “ Show me the details of an experience that my soul is longing to enjoy .” Allow desire to influence your vision . Think of something that would bring you joy and all the details around it . Here is an example of one of mine . I see myself sitting on the porch of my home in the mountains , watching the golden hues of sunrise crest over the peak in front of me . I breathe in the warm aroma of my favorite Costa Rican coffee with a dash of cinnamon . I feel peace , tranquility and joy . GO TRY THIS NOW !!!

4 . Surrender and allow your intentions to thrive

Now that you have completed the old
trappings of years passed and created the new vision for your future , sit back , find your highest vibe just be . This inaction will allow the universe and all the other moving parts that are supporting you to create the environment for your vision to grow and as always …. Be open to your vision as you have crafted it AND better !!!
JAMI HEARN - Jami is an Intuitive Women ’ s Empowerment Coach who empowers successful spiritual women who , despite outside success , still struggle with selfjudgment . Inner worth , and a lack of purpose . Through her coaching , offerings and retreats , Jami empowers women to reconnect to their sacred wisdom , own their sovereign voice , and step into their divine feminine power , so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of . Unleash your inner goddess ! Jami invites you to take the transformational Goddess Archetype Quiz today . You can learn more about Jami ’ s empowering services at www . JamiHearn . com .