Dec 2021/Jan 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 26

26 www . AspireMAG . net | December 2021 / January 2022
and compassion of your present time reality while still opening you up to greater possibilities . This is the sweet spot for healing and expansion .

Try Iffirmations for Yourself

Will iffirmations work for you ? Tune into your body and try this quick exercise .
Say these affirmations and feel how your body responds to each one :
“ I am calm and centered .” “ I love who I am .” “ I deserve joy .” “ I am aligned with my highest good .”
Now say these iffirmations and feel the response in your body :
“ What if it ’ s okay to feel this way right now ?” “ What if everyone struggles like this sometimes ?” “ What if I ’ m not broken ?” “ What if there ’ s nothing wrong with me ?” “ What if I ’ m already handling this better than I ’ m giving myself credit for ?”
This compassionate acceptance of our negative feelings and struggles often feels like a huge relief . And , the honest acceptance of ourselves and our difficulties is the foundation for moving beyond our struggles in an integrated and graceful way .
It ’ s counterintuitive , but forcing ourselves to be “ positive ” is actually a really negative experience deep down . And saying things that don ’ t feel true doesn ’ t make them more true , it just makes us better at denying our own authenticity . “ What if I am calm and centered ?” “ What if I love who I am ?” “ What if I deserve joy ?” “ What if I ’ m aligned with my highest good ?”
How does your body respond differently to the “ what ifs ”? Can you feel the possibility and potential ?

Iffirmations for Emotional Healing

In addition to creating expansiveness in life , I also regularly use iffirmations to create more compassion . When I ’ m working with a client who is really struggling , I often use iffirmations like :
But , what if there ’ s a better way ? What if you can compassionately honor your feelings and expand what ’ s possible for you at the same time ? What if you can move forward with greater authenticity and grace than ever before ? What if so much more is possible for you on your healing journey ?
Iffirmations have made a huge difference in my life and I hope they make a difference in yours , too !
KARENA NEUKIRCHNER - Karena Neukirchner is an embodied emotional healing coach who specializes in helping clients quickly identify and heal subconscious blocks , old emotional wounds , and self-sabotaging core beliefs that keep them from living lives of authenticity and joy . Download The Essential Guide to Embodied Emotional Healing for free HERE . Learn more about Karen ’ s services and offerings at www . HelloInnerLight . com .

26 www . AspireMAG . net | December 2021 / January 2022