Dec 2020/Jan 2021 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 32

32 www . AspireMAG . net | December 2020 / January 2021

Here are 5 ways to find your center and heal in the

midst of chaos :

1 Self-Care

Take time to do something that nourishes your soul ... Every Day ! For me , I have renewed my love of taking a ritual bath . It doesn ’ t have to be elaborate , you can just throw some Epsom salts in the tub and jump in . It is best if the kids and the cat stay outside , along with your phone … unless you put your phone on the sink playing some nice soothing music . Just don ’ t scroll social media while you are supposed to be relaxing ! Explore what selfcare means to you . It could be an amazing cup of steaming hot coffee in the quiet hours of the morning , where you can just sit quietly and enjoy a few moments . Even small acts of self-care are critical to your long-term health and wellness – and sanity !

2 Nature

Spending as much time in nature as possible is supportive of your mental health , spiritual connection and often physical health too . One of my clients started hiking . She has travelled to all of the forests and parks within a few hours and explored . Each trip she decided to find something new – a new tree , flower , bird and learn about it . I am aware that some have less access to nature and the seasons impact this as well , so be creative . Get a plant . I have never really had a green thumb – truly , I just am not on top of the water thing . But I decided that I was going to grow a few house plants this year . I have kept three jade plants alive and now I am tackling aloe . If you can ’ t get out of the house , put on a video of nature , with sound . Running water and birds are great options but select the one that makes you relax into imagining being in nature .


Creative Hobby

Our souls are creative by nature and hobbies can be the perfect outlet ! I am in a business mastermind and a few of us discovered that we enjoy knitting and crocheting , so we had a virtual fiber party . This was exactly what my soul was yearning for – a creative project and sisterhood . As you explore your hobbies , see what ones feel aligned with the energy you are experiencing . Many of my creative friends and clients say they love doing something like painting , but they aren ’ t good enough . This is the perfect opportunity to exercise the muscle of non-judgment and

32 www . AspireMAG . net | December 2020 / January 2021