Aug/Sept 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 59

height of the Plague , glove makers scented their leatherware with lavender oil , which was believed to ward off the deadly infection .
The oil extract of the delicate , lovely flowers of lavender provides a potent natural remedy that , while not specifically a pain remedy , can help address hormonal imbalances during a woman ’ s menstrual cycle . A study published in the journal BioPsychoSocial Medicine found that inhaling the scent of lavender for ten minutes had a significant beneficial effect on the nervous system of women suffering from premenstrual symptoms and could decrease feelings of depression . 3 While the study focused on emotional pain , the hormonal imbalances that occur during a woman ’ s period can also result in painful cramping .
Considering that chronic pain can result in depression , anxiety , or difficulty sleeping , not only for women during their menstrual periods but for anyone dealing with chronic pain , lavender can help address all of these issues .
In a study published in the medical journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice , researchers found that when women inhaled two drops of lavender essential oil at three intervals during labor , they experienced a significant reduction in labor pain .
Lavender ’ s ability to affect the nervous system suggests it may also offer hope for those suffering from nerve pain linked to various pain conditions . In an animal study published in the medical journal Frontiers in Pharmacology , researchers found that lavender essential oil was effective in reducing neuropathy pain . 5 A recent
study in the Journal of Neuroimmunology corroborated the earlier study , finding that lavender essential oil was effective in reducing chronic inflammation and neuropathy pain .
Lavender essential oil is also showing promise in preliminary studies of its use for osteoarthritis pain . In research published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice , scientists applied lavender essential oil to affected knees of study participants . The study found that the results were best both immediately and one week after continued use , but then tapered off . 7 More research needs to be conducted to determine the short- and long-term results of topically applied lavender essential oil for the management of painful osteoarthritic joints , but based on lavender ’ s impressive safety record , it is worth considering for those suffering from osteoarthritis .