Aug/Sept 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 28

28 www . AspireMAG . net | Aug / Sept 2022

There is no one right way to meditate . Take time to discover which works best for you .

in a yard , the aroma of flowers , or birds in flight . We often go through our day rushing , checking off our to-do list and going from meeting to meeting , missing the joy gems along the way . When did you last really enjoy the coffee you were drinking or the drive to work ? The list is endless if you slow down and take note . What beauty do you notice ?
These are your natural strengths that make you who you are , your superpowers . Most of us don ’ t realize we have these gifts because they come naturally and easily to us . As a result , we don ’ t acknowledge them ( for example , being empathetic , detail-oriented , strategic , or the relationship builder ). Think back to when you were a child , you were exhibiting these characteristics at a very young age . If you are wondering what yours might be , ask a trusted friend or family member that can help you identify them . We all have them . When we feel good about ourselves , it reflects on how we interact with others . What are your innate gifts ? Share with a trusted loved one .
Make a list of all the things you love and write them down . No censoring , just write down everything that comes to mind . Maybe it ’ s eating an ice cream on a hot day , engaging in a creative project , building something , painting , sewing , doing yoga , getting lost in a good book , playing cards , or exploring a new restaurant or gallery . Maybe there is something you ’ ve been meaning to do and haven ’ t yet . If something creative keeps calling you , listen and partake . Let your creative juices flow . What ’ s on your list ?
When you do this for someone else , it comes back to you ten-fold and makes you feel good inside . The best part is that it can be as small as holding an elevator door open , letting someone cut in line because they have kids , paying someone a genuine compliment , helping a neighbor , or sending a handwritten card . And , don ’ t forget to be kind to yourself . Treat yourself the way you want to be treated because you deserve this . What act of kindness can you do to make someone ’ s day ? It will make yours as well !
Positivity breeds positivity and gratitude , which are the quickest and easiest ways to feel joy . In fact , research shows that when you are grateful , it immediately releases serotonin in your brain , the feel-good hormones giving you a natural high . Start the morning or end your day with what you are thankful for . Name two things now and say them out loud .
Noticing the joy gems and carving out time each day for yourself gives you permission to engage in more fun , laughter , and selfcare . We found that joy makes the good

28 www . AspireMAG . net | Aug / Sept 2022