Aug/Sept 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 19

deep , and loving care that we can actively give ourselves . When we punctuate our days with simple-yet-meaningful rituals , we express natural beauty from our soul that allows us to feel blissful and look radiant . The light of bliss imparts a glow that others notice — that attractive and charming “ je ne sais quoi ” quality .
Infusing our days and nights with Radiance Rituals gets us in touch with our authentic beauty and nourishes us from the inside out . It ’ s self-restoration by way of rest , relaxation , and rejuvenation . These rituals give us the space to dive below the skin to find our joie de vivre .
We can ritualize anything in life by infusing our days , weeks , months , and years with meaningful activities : savoring our morning coffee while enjoying the rich aroma and warm cup in our hands , turning the shower into a spa sanctuary with candles and oxygenating plants , elevating our beauty routine , practicing yoga in a sacred space , or simply watering a flower that makes us happy . It ’ s about the energy we infuse into these routines that elevates them into Radiance Rituals . We can do these rituals disconnected from our spirit , or we can choose to access our radiant life force as we move through each one . The difference is in the attention and intention that we give to each endeavor , enjoying and savoring the moments .

Here ’ s how I elevate activities from routine chores to Radiance Rituals :

1 . AFFIRMATIONS : I like to say a simple and profound statement to raise my vibration , like , “ I see bliss and beauty everywhere .”
2 . SENSES : I enjoy activating sensory experiences , whether by smelling essential oils for an aromatherapy benefit , listening to baroque music on a Sunday morning , or savoring afternoon tea and treats with friends .
3 . SPACE : Creating time and a beautiful space for rituals makes it a unique experience . For example , I cleanse and hydrate my face every night before bed ( time ), and my bathroom has a beauty altar with crystals and candles .
4 . GRATITUDE : I believe that what you ’ re grateful for grows . I like to end each ritual
with silent appreciation : “ I am grateful for _______”; or “ I appreciate _______”; or I love _______.”
5 . VIBRATION : Everything around us is energy , and I like to elevate my rituals with high-vibrational people ( those with positive intentions and qualities you admire ) and things . For example , having an amethyst roller , which promotes serenity and calm , elevates my facial massage ritual for a neck-to-scalp massage .