Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Oct/Nov 2019 Aspire Magazine Sample | Page 23

Your overall quality of life improves when you wake up each day with a sense of appreciation and a healthy anticipation for what the universe has in store for you. You accept life as it comes, knowing that you are getting exactly what you need to spiritually grow. Moreover, when you open your heart in gratitude, fear cannot co- exist in the same space with this high vibrational energy of love. Sacred Principle #5: Practicing Loving- Kindness and Compassion Loving-kindness and compassion are acts of love, and love is the most powerful force in the universe. When you compassionately reach out to someone in need, you receive more positive energy in return. The pure joy of giving, generates a high vibration, overriding negativity with love. You become part of the divine’s cycle of giving and receiving which brings more of what you want into your life. The more you are kind and compassionate with yourself, the more you can be kind, and compassionate with others. Accepting yourself with all your perfect imperfections cultivates self- compassion. Make a compassionate covenant to nurture yourself with the love you would shower on someone you cherish. A simple act of kindness or compassion toward yourself and others raises the vibration in any situation and ultimately, your world. positive tone for your life. Appreciating everything that shows up in your life, especially the challenges, raises your vibration which generates more positive energy to come back to you. Sacred Principle #6: Learning to Lean In and Let Go Learning to lean in and let go is one of the greatest catalysts for spiritual growth. It breaks open your heart and allows you to be vulnerable so you can release unhealed pain. Releasing negative beliefs, unhealthy patterns, and emotional blocks creates the sacred space for self-healing and unleashes new energy to support your spiritual transformation. Letting go also clears anything that’s no longer serves you or supports your soul’s path. It opens the flow of energy in your body and releases negative thoughts, emotions, or energies which can create energy blocks. It frees you from your past and the old stories that hold you back from creating a better future. Sacred Principle #7: Creating a Soul Support Team. When you create a soul support team, you surround yourself with people 23