Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Oct/Nov 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 50

These are real issues and situations that many people will experience. Genetics and life circumstances can play a huge role in your life. However, they don’t have to play the starring role. These experiences are a reality for numerous people that found a way out of their limiting beliefs. They made a choice and they didn’t let genetics, circumstances or another person define them. Some people definitely might have more to overcome than others. Nonetheless, it all comes down to making a choice. Take full responsibility for your life and your life will change! ESSENTIAL FOUNDATION #2: Change Your Blueprint — Change Your Life Your blueprint is an illusion of what you think your life should be. It’s based on experiences from childhood and life circumstances that are learned throughout your life. Therefore, you can experience so much pain because your life doesn’t match your blueprint. Your blueprint doesn’t just talk to the circumstances around you—it talks to you as a whole entity. Your past and present, your conscious and subconscious, your fight or flight mechanisms. If you seek true change, you have to change YOU. You have to be willing to work on yourself every day. You have to build a muscle in your soul that will enable you to feel true happiness. Have you ever watched a bad movie that you have no interest in? Do you continue to watch it, or do you turn it off? Unfortunately, there are so many people that are living a movie they wouldn’t watch. This is because they are 50 TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE AND YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE! trying to live up to a blueprint that is out of alignment with their soul. They are settling for a life they think they should be living. Always remember that you should never settle for less than you deserve. You have the power to live an amazing life on your terms. You can change your destiny by changing your blueprint and being the star of your story. ESSENTIAL FOUNDATION #3: Change your Primary Question — Change Your Life As I learned from Tony Robbins, a primary question is your default question for everything that happens in your life that causes you pain or didn’t go the way you planned. It plays over and over in your head and it’s always the same. We all have one and if you think about it for a moment, you have one too. It was a huge A-HA for me when I realized that my primary question has controlled my every thought and action in my life. | October / November 2018