Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Oct/Nov 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 35

perspectives . It ’ s very difficult to remain stuck in the face of questions as they are extremely effective in rendering our beliefs and emotions transparent and this can often result in feelings of discomfort and even feeling threatened . This is where taking ownership and learning to understand and flip our emotions takes on a new level of importance and impacts our ‘ ability to respond ’. It ’ s the turning point where we consciously choose to let go of what is keeping us stuck . Questions are also wonderful for helping us to establish what out true desires are – as long as we keep on asking and moving forward and being willing to receive something more . our breath and using this consciously . Learn how to use your breath consciously and effectively anywhere , anytime . Download my free audio DESTRESS DETOX RELAX in less than 10 minutes HERE .
What keeps us from letting go of the things that keep us stuck , are the attachments we have to the beliefs and values that glue our identity and lives together . It is often , only when we become excruciatingly uncomfortable or pained by our stuckness that we are perhaps finally ready to let go of our predefined ideas of who we are and what that looks like .

4 Conscious Breathing

As with any artistic skill , the art of letting go is a process . By taking ownership , flipping emotions and questioning everything and everywhere I may still experience being stuck , I continue to cultivate my own brand of the art of letting go and empower myself by asking ‘ how easy am I willing to make this ?’
One of the most powerful and connecting resources that we ALL have access to , when letting go of what keeps us stuck , is

It has been a pleasure sharing this information with you and I trust you find it useful and effective as you cultivate your art of letting go .

Trilby Johnson - Trilby is an Emotional Breakthrough Alchemist & Coach , Author and Speaker who supports the healing of relationships , alleviating stress and cultivating emotional freedom . Trilby ’ s success story is one of transforming self-loathing into selflove and learning how to master her life . Trilby is the author of two transformational books : ‘ Fearlessly Alone - Stop the Lonely Crisis and Find Your Happy ’ and ‘ A-Ha Moments - Inspirational Quotes to Shift Your Thinking ’. Trilby lives in New Zealand and works globally online . Learn more at www . Trilbyjohnsontheconnective . com