Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Oct/Nov 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 30

30 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2018

4 . Embrace Your Vulnerabilities

Facing your deepest vulnerabilities allows you to recognize and uproot the negative beliefs , unhealthy patterns , and unresolved pain that keep you from living a joyful life . When faced with a person or situation that makes you irritable or uncomfortable , pause , open your heart , and experience your vulnerability . Instead of avoiding emotional pain , lean into your tender places and stay with your feelings until you emerge on the other side of them . Don ’ t be afraid to dive deep , see what is being revealed , and share it with a trusted friend . The more vulnerable you are , the more open you are to spiritual transformation .

5 . Be Grateful

Feeling grateful opens a continuous stream of positive energy that supports spiritual clarity , strengthens the immune system , and diminishes fear , stress , and negativity . Wake up every morning with a sense of appreciation and a healthy anticipation for what the universe has in store for you . Before your feet even touch the floor , open your heart and give thanks for the day in front of you . Be grateful for even the simplest things and trust that no matter what happens that day , it will be a good day . When you open your heart in gratitude , fear and negativity cannot co-exist with this high vibrational energy .

6 . Extend Kindness and Compassion .

Kindness and compassion are powerful expressions of love and generate a high vibrational energy . The simple act of putting your attention at your heart and emitting love energy raises your vibration and the vibration of those around you . As you move through your day , keep an open heart , and express unconditional love no matter where you are , who you are with , or what you are doing . Keep your thoughts non-judgmental , your words kind , and your choices compassionate . With this energetic expansion of your heart , comes a sense of universal love , inner peace , and a spiritual attunement with everyone and everything .

7 . Forgive Often and Quickly

Forgiveness renews connection , enhances your compassion , and promotes well-being because it helps you release negative emotions . It allows you to remain engaged in positive interactions with others despite emotional injury . This sustains love and connectedness with others which engenders positive health benefits . Forgiveness clears negative energy by releasing any thoughts , emotions , or energies which may ultimately create energy blocks . It also frees you from the past and opens the energetic space for you to create a better future .

8 . Create an Energetic Support Team

Surround yourself and spend time with the people who unconditionally love , support , and care for you . Create an energetic support team consisting of people who accept you without judging , and who encourage you to trust yourself , embrace your truth , and follow your heart . Share your vulnerable

30 www . AspireMAG . net | October / November 2018