Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Oct/Nov 2014 - Featuring Louise Hay | Page 80

In any area of your life where you have pain or discomfort and you want MORE, the key strategy is seek out someone who is already successfully living the result you want, lean on their comfort zone and take massive action to follow their proven process. This is the ultimate DIS-comfort short cut to your next comfort zone! This is the secret that truly successful people know! Here are a few KEYS to making this really work for you! •  eek out someone who is successfully S enjoying the results that you want. Said differently, they are living in your “after” story and you are currently in the “before”. •  ick someone who is also successfully P and repeatedly teaching others to achieve those same results consistently. • Follow their step-by-steps, take their programs, read their books….learn and implement their proven process. •  they offer coaching or implementation If assistance, take it. Said differently, when they reach their hand out and offer to pull you right through to your next comfort zone, say YES! You still must live fearlessly, because you must say YES and you must take ACTION! But you are reducing the risk, fear and discomfort by using a proven process, working with a proven expert and surrounding yourself with support and love while you blow through to your next comfort zone! The great thing about YOU is that you are in exactly the right place for this right this very second! Are you looking around wondering… ”what do you mean, Stacey, can you SEE me?” He he! Relax darling, no I cannot. You are reading Aspire Magazine right now sweetie! That means that by definition, you have at your fingertips some of the world’s greatest experts in all areas of your life. I’m serious. I’ve been in personal development for two decades. I am blessed to work with some of the greatest coaches, experts and leaders in the world. I’ve traveled all over to do that, and I’ve invested multiple six figures to do so! One of the greatest joys in my life is my family here at Aspire Magazine, led by our fearless publisher and one of my dearest personal 80 | October / November 2014