Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) June/July 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 26

THE GREATEST GIFT YOU CAN GIVE YOURSELF IS FORGIVENESS. Focus on the aspects of yourself that you love rather than those you dislike. Stop beating yourself up or putting yourself down every time you see an imperfection, make a mistake, or feel vulnerable. Your thoughts, feelings, and choices are all part of your human experience—even when you step in dog poop while wearing your most expensive shoes, get into a car accident, lose a job, or hurt someone you love. Lovingly speak to yourself as if you were talking with your best friend, someone you love dearly. Re-script your ruminating negative thoughts to positive affirmations such as: “It’s okay I forgot that appointment, making a mistake helps me to spiritually grow, and I’ve never done this before so it may take me a few tries.” 2. FORGIVE YOUR MISTAKES QUICKLY AND OFTEN: The greatest gift you can give yourself is forgiveness. It transforms judgment into acceptance and makes your past mistakes powerless over you. When you make a mistake or a mess, forgive it quickly and often. Bless yourself, and then release blame, shame, and judgment. Forgiving yourself allows you to create a clean slate and begin anew. Here are a few journal prompts to jump-start your forgiveness practice: What mistakes or missteps do you have difficulty forgiving? How does this interfere with your life? What’s one small mistake you can forgive? How does it feel to bless and release it? 3. FOCUS ON YOUR INTENTION AND ENERGY INSTEAD OF THE OUTCOME: When making a choice, focus on your intention and energy (heart), not the outcome (head). Let go of the need to make the perfect choice. This keeps you stuck and from making any choice at all. When you feel fearful of making the “wrong” choice, remember you can always choose again. And if doesn’t work out the way you thought, don’t judge yourself as having failed or messed up. Gently remind yourself that mistakes are simply opportunities to transform your life and that you are doing the best you can. Trust that they will guide you in a new direction and give you the spiritual information you need to make a course correction. 4. ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE VULNERABLE: Let your sacred warrior be vulnerable. Spend time alone, dig deep. and have a sacred chat with your feelings of shame and unworthiness. Lean into the uncomfortableness so you can feel your vulnerable pain. Take a few deep breaths, open your heart, and allow your vulnerabilities to surface and ultimately, release. Then, write a love letter to your “inner little goddess.” Lovingly embrace her and let her know she is loveable just the way she is with all her perfect imperfections. Drop your mask (metaphorically) and allow yourself to be seen, heard, and acknowledged just for being you. Lead with your heart, share your truth honestly and openly, and dare to express yourself fully. 26 | June / July 2020