Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Jun/July 2019 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 57

What good companion plants do you need to include in your garden? Cultivating a supportive community is vital to thriving. Choose to include people in your life that support and encourage you to blossom, grow, and thrive! Remember our growth is amplified when we spend time with other committed gardeners. We have the ability to nurture ourselves to cultivate fertile ground for our growth and thriving! Today choose to give yourself permission to listen to yourself. Follow your heart and make nurturing choices. Allow yourself to feel nurtured by every activity you choose and plant the seeds for more self-nurturing practices to include in your thriving life. Explore more ways to cultivate peace and joy so that your cup overflows into your saucer and that is where you give from. We all have the capacity to be gardeners of our own thriving lives and create ripples of peace, love, and meaning in the world. We cannot be truly loving, compassionate or generous with others if we are not that way with ourselves first. True self- nurturing enhances our presence in the world by allowing us to give from a filled-up place. Selfishness arises from scarcity. When we are nurturing and We all have the capacity to be gardeners of our own thriving lives and create ripples of peace, love, and meaning in the world. sprout in your garden because you were too overwhelmed and exhausted to weed it out. These weeds may come in the form of responsibilities, commitments, beliefs, thoughts, paradigms, or unsupportive people. Recognizing what needs to be weeded is critical to making space in your life for health and vibrancy and letting them go is a powerful act of self-love and self-nurturing. caring deeply for ourselves we have the capacity to shine our love and light generously in the world. Become the gardener of your own thriving life and nurture peace in the world from the inside out! Peace, love and gratitude, Kelley Kelley Grimes, MSW - Kelley is a counselor, speaker, internationally bestselling author, Aspire Magazine expert columnist, and self-nurturing expert. She is passionate about empowering overwhelmed and exhausted individuals to live with more peace, joy and meaning through the practice of self-nurturing. Kelley also provides professional and leadership development to organizations dedicated to making the world a better place. She is married to an artist, has two empowered daughters, and loves singing with a small women’s group. Learn more at and download your free Self-Nurturing Mobile App 57