Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/March 2018 Aspire Mag Full Issue: Inner Prospe | Page 29


Here are a few heart-centered practices to move you from fear to courage :

1 Practice leaning into your vulnerabilities . Spend time alone in quiet reflection , whether meditating , sitting in a garden , looking out a window , or writing in a journal . Notice when you feel uncomfortable , restless , or distractible . These are cues that there are emotions just below the surface of your conscious awareness that need to be released . Sit , walk , or just be compassionately with your pain , just as you would sit with a dear friend who was suffering — until , at last , it surfaces and releases .

2 Create an energetic support team consisting of people who love , listen , and encourage you to embrace your vulnerabilities without judging , enabling , or commiserating . Share your vulnerabilities with someone on your energetic team .

3 In a safe environment , share an intimate story with someone on your energetic support team , even if you feel shame or hurt . Lean in to any fear or vulnerability that surface .

4 Observe your physical or emotional reactions in uncomfortable situations from a more expansive , spiritual perspective to determine what your reactions are telling you , vulnerabilities and any unresolved pain . Identify the types of situations that cause feelings of vulnerability by asking yourself : “ What is the energy in my body telling me about myself ?” “ What person or situation makes me feel vulnerable ?” “ What is the person or situation showing me about the origin of my underlying pain ?” Discuss the sources of the pain that triggered any reactions with a supportive friend or therapist , by journaling , or through self-reflection .

5 A useful tool that can help us lean into our vulnerability is a ritual of release . They can include making a picture scrapbook , using old photos in a collage , journaling , or simply lighting a candle . Rituals of release can transform vulnerability into a positive , creative and courageous force .

Vulnerability gives us the courage to love ourselves even when we feel unlovable , to make loving choices for ourselves even when we feel unworthy , and to open ourselves to love even when we are afraid of being hurt . It permits us to participate fully in life without holding back any part of ourselves .
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Dr . Deb Reble - Consciously merging her practical tools as a psychologist with her intuitive and spiritual gifts , Intuitive Psychologist Dr . Debra Reble empowers women to connect with their hearts and live authentically and supports them in breaking through their energetic and spiritual blocks to self-love . Debra is the International Bestselling author of Being Love : How Loving Yourself Creates Ripples of Transformation in Your Relationships and the World ( Inspired Living Publishing ) and the author of Soul-Hearted Partnership : The Ultimate Experience of Love , Passion , and Intimacy , which garnered four book awards including the Eric Hoffer award , as well as a contributing author to many best-selling books . Debra is a sought after speaker and media guest and is the host of the popular Soul-Hearted Living Podcast on iTunes . Visit www . DrDebraReble . com and claim your complimentary 4-part Sacred Meditation Series today .