Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 44

Try the following ideas to renew your trust and commitment to your self-nurturing practices: 1  Restate your self-nurturing intention for the New Year being realistic and specific. Remember to have realistic expectations for yourself so that you can feel successful. Growth requires stretching outside our comfort zones, but the art of self-nurturing is about following our intuition to know how far to stretch. Trust yourself to know what growth looks like for you and then follow through with your commitment to reinforce this renewed trust in yourself. 2 Make a commitment to yourself about how often you will keep your self-nurturing intention. Define how many times you will engage in your self-nurturing practice during the day, week and/or month. Perhaps you intend to meditate for 5-10 minutes every day, start and/or end your day with gratitude, write in your journal, or sleep 7-8 hours nightly. Maybe you plan to walk in nature three times a week, or practice yoga a few times a week, or get a massage monthly. Be specific so you know what commitment you are making to yourself and can hold yourself accountable with love and kindness. 44 3 Place your self-nurturing intention on your calendar. To reinforce your commitment and renew your trust in yourself, prioritize time in your schedule for your new practice. Designate time on your calendar for whatever length of time you are committing to. If you use an electronic calendar include an alert to support you in fulfilling your commitment to yourself. When you choose to prioritize yourself you are reminding yourself of your value and worth and the positive impacts will radiate out into your life. 4 Develop an affirmation to support your commitment and intention. Affirmations give fuel to positive change in our lives. When you regularly use affirmations | February / March 2020