Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2019 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 55

adore this wise quote from Thich Nhat Hanh as it highlights how essential it is for us to love and nurture ourselves. When we are overwhelmed with responsibilities and feel we can’t take on one more thing, we often neglect caring for ourselves which keeps us caught in a cycle of self-neglect. It is hard to find solutions when we are stuck in this cycle and end up feeling more exhausted, anxious, and/or depressed. Over time we may become sick and our relationships may become challenging if we feel resentful and unappreciated when giving more than we have to give. If you can relate in any way to living in a cycle of self-neglect you are not alone. So many of us are professional nurturers, caring for everyone else in our lives but ourselves. We take on so many responsibilities in our family, home, job, and community that there is little time left over to care for ourselves. But as Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us, we can’t really take care of others until we learn how to take care of and love ourselves. What if instead of placing ourselves at the bottom of our “To Do” lists, we prioritized time each day to nurture and care for ourselves? This does not have to be a huge undertaking as we are usually more successful making changes when we start small and build on our progress. Even spending 10 minutes doing something kind and loving for ourselves can create ripples of hope and possibility that our lives can be different. When we begin to understand that nurturing ourselves is the key to doing all the other amazing things in our lives, it is easier to commit to the practice. Next time you make a mistake, remind yourself that you are not a mistake. I Here are seven ways to embrace self- nurturing in your life that will empower you to love and care for yourself and live with more peace, joy, and gratitude. Remember you do not need to do all seven at one time, just begin with one and add the other practices in over time. 1. Be Kinder and More  Compassionate to Yourself This is an essential first step when we are making any change. Recognizing that we are stuck and feeling overwhelmed is critical to deciding to do something different. When we start with self-compassion, we create space around us to breathe, feel our feelings, acknowledge how challenging things have become, and then with kindness explore our new options. We cannot make any meaningful change from a place of shame and judgment. Treating ourselves the way we would treat a dear friend is one way to begin nurturing ourselves. Next time you make a mistake, remind yourself that you are not a mistake. Release yourself from the standard of perfection and 55