Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2019 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 36

prison. It’s amazing what can flow from the inspiration of our hearts, our willingness to act, and the presence of grace. Sometimes people don’t open themselves to being instruments for greater good because they haven’t understood how life itself will provide what is needed to accomplish the necessary good. They don’t know how resourceful life is and how resourceful they are. Here is the secret: We can’t find out until we step out. HERE, THERE, AND EVERYWHERE As expressions of the infinite Source, we have within us the creative power of imagination for tapping into higher potential and aligning ourselves with the greater good. Not how to use this dynamic creative power for our good, but how to be used by it, to be an instrument for the good of all. When we are willing to be creative instruments for the good of all, the bonds of self-interest that hold us back are loosed, and the imagination soars. When we help others prosper, we prosper. There are infinite ways to serve and to prosper — each according to our talents, dreams, and duties. For some the avenue is public — such as through organizational or community service. For others, it may be familial — by raising a child, tending an organic garden, or caring for aging parents. Either way, as we serve we are naturally learning and teaching love, wisdom, and compassion. What has broken your heart open and awakened your passion? What do you care most deeply about? What have you learned and experienced that makes all the difference? What is the inspiration that won’t leave you alone? That is where we begin. We begin with what is most alive in us. 36 AS EXPRESSIONS OF THE INFINITE SOURCE, WE HAVE WITHIN US THE CREATIVE POWER OF IMAGINATION FOR TAPPING INTO HIGHER POTENTIAL AND ALIGNING OURSELVES WITH THE GREATER GOOD. We simply begin by inwardly dedicating our life to serving others. By expanding our awareness and our compassion, we step beyond the limiting boundaries of self. We enter the prospering stream of divine grace and experience the expansion of our imagination and creative abilities. This flows into and through our lives as resources — as inspiration, peace, well-being, love, and the connectedness that brings forth whatever is needed. All we have to do is take this heart here and apply it to what is over there. Excerpted from the book The Jewel of Abundance: Finding Prosperity through the Ancient Wisdom of Yoga. Copyright ©2018 by Ellen Grace O’Brian. Printed with permission from New World Library — Ellen Grace O’Brian - Ellen is the author of The Jewel of Abundance and director of the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment in San Jose, CA. Ordained by a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, she has been teaching Kriya Yoga philosophy and practice nationally and internationally for over three decades. Visit her online at | February / March 2019