Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2019 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 29

The quest to live your divinity is not always smooth sailing. Living your divinity comes with ups and downs, struggles and challenges. But each of these detours is a critical component to creating the experience of your life. The beautiful learning moments are key to living your divinity. Enjoy every moment on your journey, the experience of humanity is, after all, the true experience of divinity. You have the tools to advance toward your true divinity every day! Hold them tight and take full advantage of the beauty of your awareness. Jami Hearn - Jami Hearn is an Intuitive Women’s Empowerment Coach who empowers successful spiritual women who, despite outside success, still struggle with self-judgment. Inner worth, and a lack of purpose and empowers them to reconnect to their sacred wisdom, own their sovereign voice, and step into their divine feminine power, so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of. If you’re ready to move past your blocks Jami invites you to download your Create Your Most Fulfilling Life Workbook. “Enjoy eve ry on your jou moment experience rney, the of is, after all, humanity experience the true of divinity. .” Jami H earn 29 you in your dark moments. Sacred sisterhood defies physical proximity and logical understanding. You did not come into this incarnation to do it alone. Community is a key to living your best life and finding your truest fulfillment and joy. These sisters show up in both life and business and help you to flourish in both. One of my favorite things to do with my sacred sisters is go on a retreat. Sometimes, I only have a little time, so we go and hike on my farm or have coffee in a neighboring town. Other times, I love to travel with my sacred sisters. It has been my experience when you are out of your normal environment, you have the greatest opportunity for growth and development with yourself and your sacred sisters.