Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2019 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 16

LETTER EDITOR FROM THE ”Trust more and more in your feminine superpower of intuition. It knows so much more than your limited mindset of what is possible for you.” MARCIA MARINER Welcome to the February/March 2019 “Embracing Your Sacred Worth” issue of Aspire Magazine Hello, On my journey to learning to own and embrace my sacred worth, I’ve learned that our worth comes from the inside out. It’s not about labels, achievements or outside accolades. Sacred worth is a sense of self that rises up from within—from our divinity. A WARM WELCOME! Aspire Magazine’s welcomes two new expert columnists to our family, Marcia Mariner and Jami Hearn, and they’ll be covering topics to inspire you to tap into your feminine wisdom and sacred truth. Marcia Mariner, (cover of this issue) is a Divine Feminine Visionary leader, speaker and author empowering women to create transformation in their lives. Her new column, Embracing Your Sacred Worth, will bring you empowering wisdom to create transformation in your life. Enjoy her first column, A Path to Embodying Your Sacred Worth More Deeply. Using her expertise from over 30 years experience as a licensed therapist, Marcia combines therapeutic coaching with the power of women’s circles to help women break free from their patriarchal conditioning, embrace their feminine gifts and wake up to their worth. By fully embodying their own beauty, and magnificence, Marcia believes women have the power to collectively shift the evolution of the world. Connect with me! m/ es pir lindajoyins ajoy Jami Hearn is an Intuitive Women’s Empowerment Coach who empowers successful spiritual women who, despite outside success, still struggle with self-judgment. Inner worth, and a lack of purpose and empowers them to reconnect to their sacred wisdom, own their sovereign voice, and step into their divine feminine power, so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of. In her new column, Live Your Divinity, Jami will share spiritual wisdom and sacred strategies to support women to reconnect with their sacred wisdom, own their sovereign voice, and step into their divine feminine power, so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of. Enjoy her first column, 6 Ways to Live Your Divinity. Live an Inspired Life! lindajoyinspire/ 16 | February / March 2019 LINDA JOY Publisher