Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2017 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 56

56 www . AspireMAG . net | February / March 2017





All I ever wanted was to feel worthy . Deserving of having any wants or needs , let alone having my desires be met .

Mine is not a solo story .
The majority of my coaching clients come to me with no idea of what they really want . They ’ re in some sort of transition , aware they need to make a change , yet they know that facing the prospect of living life on their own terms aligned with their own desires for the first time is daunting .
Simply naming desires — feeling worthy and deserving of them without worrying about the logistics and implementation — is the portal into the process of healing , truthtelling , and transformation .
For most of my life , I needed validation . I looked outward for permission . Permission to offer myself love and acceptance . I put everyone else ’ s dreams , needs , and desires before mine . I spent my days managing the perceptions of others , projecting an image of perfection . In the process , I forgot something .

56 www . AspireMAG . net | February / March 2017