Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2017 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 48

48 www . AspireMAG . net | February / March 2017
road of challenging health issues . Choosing to allow anger to overcome you will most likely result in hurting others or , if pushed inward , depression and health issues .
Not loving yourself can also present itself in one or more of these ways :
You get frustrated easily . You may have an eating disorder . You withdraw socially . You have an inability to see yourself squarely or to be fair to yourself . You find it hard to accept compliments . You neglect yourself . You treat other people better than you treat yourself . You are reluctant to take on challenges . You put yourself at the bottom of your to do list . You continually doubt yourself and don ’ t trust your opinion . You expect little out of life for yourself .
Before I go any further let me remind you that YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH !
Women who struggle with self-love find it hard to believe they are ENOUGH . No matter how hard they try or how often they hear it from others , they can ’ t seem to believe they are good enough . Believe me , I know what this feels like .
Self-love on the other hand is a gentle acceptance , an unconditional sense of support and caring , and a core of compassion for yourself . It is an abiding willingness to meet your needs , allow yourself to feel and think whatever you feel and think , and to see yourself as essentially worthy , good , valuable , and belonging in the world , deserving of happiness . And , most importantly , believing that you are ENOUGH , as you are , at this moment . Self-love is developed early in life , and if childhood experiences damage our sense of self significantly , a lack of self-love can hurt us for a lifetime .
We need to have a healthy self-esteem and practice self-love because it affects every aspect of our lives . It ’ s essential , because : Without it , we can crumble and not show up for our life .
It helps us feel good about ourselves . It gives us the courage to try new things .
It helps us honor and respect ourselves , even when we make mistakes .
It encourages us to make healthy decisions for our minds and bodies .
All this does not mean that a person with good self-esteem discounts others , but instead they value themselves and ensure their feelings or needs are not discounted . If you can believe in yourself with the little spark of hope that ’ s left , you can soar into your bravest dream .
You , my beautiful friend , are more than enough .
© 2017 . Lara Jaye . An excerpt from More Than Enough : Discover Your Limitless Potential and Live Your Bravest Dream . www . LaraJaye . com
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Lara Jaye - Best-selling author , spiritual mentor , radio show host , and speaker Lara Jaye passionately inspires others to transform themselves to realize their biggest dreams . She teaches her clients how to shine light into their darkest corners , release stale patterns that keep them stuck , and discover their unique purpose . In her # 1 Amazon best-selling book , More Than Enough : Discover Your Limitless Potential and Live Your Bravest Dream , Lara guides others through change . Learn more at www . LaraJaye . com and be sure to claim the “ You are MORE Than Enough ” Gift Set while you ’ re there .

48 www . AspireMAG . net | February / March 2017