Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Feb/Mar 2017 Aspire Mag Full Issue | Page 23

Over the years and challenges I did a lot of soul searching . . . a lot ! I discovered something profound . After chanting for days in search of my essential self , between the extreme meditation experiments requiring 6 + hours a day in deep intense nothingness , while studying the religious practices of our world , I discovered that I don ’ t believe we are here in this human experience just to overcome our human-ness .
Enlightenment isn ’ t to see how disciplined we can be in overcoming being human . To see how much we can do without . To deny ourselves pleasure and joy and the beauty of the human experience . I am not here to restrict myself to tight rigid boxes of identity and conforming beliefs that limit my ability to create and express my loving self . I realized that instead I am here to enjoy the fullness , the richness and the radiant vitality of being human as a spiritual Being . Full on senses , locked , loaded , and fully engaged in the present moment and following my desires for the full meal deal !
And you know what ? This awareness changed e v e r y t h i n g for me . I mean EVERYTHING !
I started getting in touch with what would please me rather than focusing on pleasing others . I focused on developing what I wanted to be doing , rather than what others thought I should be doing . I said YES ! to my own desires . I learned how to create my own time . I started showing up . Guess what happened ? I started feeling alive ! I felt free . Free from what ? I didn ’ t totally know , I just knew that my happiness meter was at an all time high and became sustainable . Yes , SUSTAINABLE !
Aspire Magazine welcomes Marianne MacKenzie as an Expert Columnist
Marianne MacKenzie is a sought-after life and business coach who supports business women in living a Radically Engaged Life™ . She is passionate , with a capital “ P ”, about supporting you as you step into your power as a Radically Engaged Woman™ to live and work with deeper meaning and purpose , develop a new mindset that supports your desires and create practices and tools to sustain your new lifestyle so you can play even bigger in business and life .
Through Marianne ’ s powerful Radically Engaged Living™ personal and group coaching programs , highimpact events , and corporate and virtual speaking appearances , clients experience what it feels like to shift from living on autopilot to living a Radically Engaged Life™ .
Visit www . MarianneMacKenzie . com today and download your free FREE “ Live YOUR Radically Engaged Life ” E-Book & Audio .