Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Dec19/Jan20 Aspire Mag FINAL | Page 73

It is important to create a connection ritual that will provide you with new ways to share your thoughts, dreams, feelings, desires, fantasies, needs, and love for each other. This could be a weekly date night, as long as you don’t end up in a routine that is stagnant. So many couples end up just using date night as a time to go to dinner and talk about work and the children. There is so much more you could be doing! I highly suggest you put aside any business on date nights. You can have another set time where you discuss these topics. Have a time set aside devoted to growing your relationship. This doesn’t require money or even a great deal of time. There are ways to incorporate this into any relationship. This time you set aside for each other allows you to focus your attention only on each other. It also provides an environment for romantic feelings to build leading to increased intimacy and passion. Dates do not have to be extravagant. The important thing is that you make spending quality time together a priority. Try new things as a couple, don’t be not the same person you were when the relationship started. I encourage you to stay curious about your partner, there is always something new to learn. This keeps your relationship fresh and exciting. Create a safe space to encourage each other to share at a deeper level while offering support and building a stronger bond between the two of you. I encourage you to set time aside to be present, give your partner your full attention. Make this a time you look forward to. Spend time remembering the past. What was it like when you first fell in love? I encourage you to stay curious about your partner, there is always something new to learn. afraid to venture outside of the box. If you don’t like the new experience, it will give you a memory to talk about in the future. We are all busy so make time to make your relationship a priority. We grow and change as people all the time! You are What are some of your favorite memories as a couple? Sharing those memories together elicits positive feelings and is a great way to increase emotional intimacy. The honeymoon phase of a relationship is full of those “feel good” hormones. 73 Great relationships are more than just the absence of problems. They take intention, the right attitude, commitment, and effort, but the results are worth it! We all long for closeness and emotional connection with our partner. Relationships are a team effort and are created based on choices you make every day that allow you to grow and learn together making your relationship a priority. Emotional intimacy is a key factor in the health of a relationship. It is a bond where two people feel secure, loved, and trust each other. Good communication is a major factor in creating and maintaining this intimacy.