Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Dec19/Jan20 Aspire Mag FINAL | Page 32

through transitions throughout your day so that it becomes a healthy habit. You can also ground your energies by tapping your feet against the earth, carrying your favorite gemstone in your pocket, or taking deep intentional breaths at every natural pause in your day. A regular grounding practice can help you remain calm when you find yourself in anxiety-producing situations.  ropping into 2  D Your Heart Space: When you drop into your heart space, you can remain emotionally calm like the eye at the center of a tornado even as your thoughts swirl around you. Focusing your attention on your heart center doesn’t just calm an anxiety-ridden brain; it also brings your head (fear) and your heart (trust) into energetic coherence. Just by bringing your attention from your head to your heart, you bring yourself into the peaceful present where anxiety doesn’t exist. Dropping into your heart space gives you a break from your anxious thoughts and an opportunity to recalibrate your energies. It allows you to pause and tune in to what’s going on within you. Close your eyes and gently place a hand at center of your chest. Take a few intentional deep breaths, bring your attention to your hand, and drop down into your heart space. Take several deep breaths. Do this several times until your heart opens and you feel a shift in your breathing. 32 Visualize a pearl of while light in your heart. Feel the light filling your heart space and expanding outward in all directions. Imagine white light radiating out from your heart and surrounding your body. Stay here as long as long as you can. When your mind wanders or anxious thoughts pop up, just let them move across your mind like clouds across the sky. Refocus your attention on your heart. 3 Rescripting Your Anxious Thoughts into Anxiety-Soothing Affirmations:   This sacred strategy builds trust in your ability to respond rather than react to any anxiety triggering thought or situation. It not only shifts your thoughts from negative to positive; it actually begins to change the neuropathways in your brain. You’ve had limiting beliefs, anxious thoughts, and old stories playing in your head for years. Anxiety-soothing affirmations help release the negative energy, calm the nervous system, and elevate your vibration. Empowering affirmations bring your energy down from the chatter of the brain into the inner peace of your heart. Close your eyes, drop into your heart center, and quiet the mind. By tuning into your heart, you come into a loving space of self- awareness. Observe what anxious thoughts come into your mind and the negative scripts they trigger. Mindfully allow your thoughts to | December 2019 / January 2020