Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Dec/Jan 2019 Aspire Magazine Final | Page 54

8. B  LACK-AND-WHITE THINKING We see everything in categorical terms, with no shades of gray, few options, and no possibilities of compromise. This rigidity in thinking, which can lead to a serious derailing of response flexibility, is also known as neural cement. 9. I  NABILITY TO DISCONFIRM We are so rigid in our opinions that no new information can change them. You may recognize similar patterns in your thinking. EXERCISE: IDENTIFYING THOUGHT PROCESSES THAT DERAIL RESILIENCE 1  R  eview the list above. Identify any of these patterns you recognize as operational in you or in people you know, without attaching any shame or blame. For now, simply acknowledge any patterns you identify that you might want to rewire later. 2  P  ick one pattern relevant to you that you’re willing to investigate; it need not be the one that is most difficult for you. 3  T  rack this pattern in your thinking for a week. Notice when this pattern is operating in your thinking; notice when it’s not. 54 BECOMING AWARE OF YOUR COMMON PATTERNS OF PERCEIVING AND RESPONDING, AND ACKNOWLEDGING THEM IN YOUR CONSCIOUS AWARENESS, IS ESSENTIAL IF YOU WANT TO REWIRE THEM. Becoming aware of your common patterns of perceiving and responding, and acknowledging them in your conscious awareness, is essential if you want to rewire them. Steadying your awareness with more and more difficult objects of awareness is reflective resilience. Mental constructs can be very stable and long-lasting, more like the climate you live in than the weather that changes from day to day. Emotions that might flit through your awareness in a matter of minutes or half a day (weather) can settle into a longer-lasting mood (climate). The moods we deem negative —depression, discouragement, despair— are the ones we’re more likely to notice and want to shift than the lighter-hearted moods of joy or contentment. As human preferences, | December 2018 / January 2019 beings, we adopt roles, priorities, and goals that