Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Dec/Jan 2019 Aspire Magazine Final | Page 41

1 2 doing something that would take you toward danger… Well, my brave beautiful sister, the world has changed. You are now entirely SAFE to step into the light and share your message. The world and all of your soul sisters NEED your message, as only you can deliver it. Do not shrink into the shadows, claim your presence and allow your soul to shine through! The Dreams and Desires of Your Heart are ALWAYS Possible. Your dreams are yours for a rea- son. Your soul is calling to you to step up and create the dreams she sends to you. She knows your de- sires and she is completely sup- portive of you achieving ALL of them. Your soul wants your ego to know that you are a sea of possi- bility and your soul would not have cultivated these dreams if they weren’t well within your reach, and perfect aligned with your purpose. When you take inspired action, even though your ego is screaming to stay small, you are claiming your right to have and be everything you have ever dreamt of. Start small or huge, just listen to your soul and take that step. You and your soul deserve it! You are SAFE to Stand Out and Share your Voice. Many of us are wild, women claiming our places in the world. For a very long era, this station in society was not safe. Your ego remembers that time and tries to squash any inkling you have of When you take inspired action, even though your ego is screaming to stay small, you are claiming your right to have and be everything you have ever dreamt of. 3 Your Perceived Imperfections Actually Enhance your Beauty, Character and Presence. Embrace Them. Every human has insecurities. It is your ego that is telling you to hide because of them, don’t draw attention to yourself. But the real story is that you are you because of them. You are your most beautiful, authentic self, when 41 The play between your soul and your ego is a dance. The choreography is completely yours, so each morning, I have a conversation with my ego. I share with her the following 7 reminders. I let her know that I love her, and I appreciate her. Then I ask her to get out of my way because I have lives to change and I start with my own...Every Single Day!