Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Dec/Jan 2019 Aspire Magazine Final | Page 37

As we rise up out of the collective wounding of the sacred feminine, we come to realize that: 1 WE ARE WORTHY: The trance of unworthiness needs to end. The truth is that women are extremely valuable and blessed with sacred priceless gifts. In addition, because of our powerful gifts, we are worthy to show up and serve the world in a much more expansive way. As we wake up to our worth, radical self-care and self-love practices become our new norm. Serving the world flows from an abundance of love within us as a result of putting our well-being FIRST. 2 WE ARE WISDOM: We have superpowers that have been ignored, feared and devalued by the patriarchal culture. As a result, many of us have denied, hid, or failed to acknowledge the value of our intuition, creativity, our powerful emotions, our sacred body temple, and our capacity to care for the whole. 3 WE ARE WARRIORS OF THE HEART: The sacred feminine in its very essence naturally leads with heart intelligence. Making the shift from a mind dominated to a heart- centered world is critical to our survival as a species. We are called to actively participate with a focused intention and fierceness to accelerate the planetary shift. 4 WE ARE WORLDLY: When we are activated in the three previous truths, we KNOW we are here to create a ripple effect that can have a massive impact on our world. We stop hiding our light. We commit to playing a bigger part in creating a world where everyone gets to thrive. We step fully into service aligned 37 SACRED RITUALS HAVE BEEN AND CONTINUE TO BE AN ESSENTIAL PRACTICE TO BRING IN HIGHER ENERGIES AND ALLOW THEM TO BECOME INTEGRATED.