Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Dec/Jan 2019 Aspire Magazine Final | Page 29

When you strip away the societal tags and labels, what is left? Who would you be? How would you live? You would exist in an unlimited, omnipresent state of pure being or soul potential. You would shed everything that doesn’t matter and amplify everything that does matter. Above all, you would see the truth of who you are, trust the wisdom of your heart, and express your soul. Being fully soul-expressed is being purposeful in every moment no matter what you are doing, where you are, or who you are with. In his commencement address at Stanford University in 2005, Steve Jobs, the creative visionary and founder of Apple, Inc., succinctly described being purposeful in the moment when he challenged students to ask themselves: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I’m about to do today?” When your answer to this question is a resounding yes, you know you are listening to the wisdom of your soul and making choices that align with it. If your answer is no, examine your choices and ask yourself why they are not aligned with your soul’s journey. In Japan, having such purpose is called ikigai, meaning, “the reason you get up in the morning.” Although you may have many ideas about what you “should or have to” do, having a purpose for getting up in the morning can make or break your day. It can be the difference between living a soul- crushing or soul-hearted life. Finding these reasons comes from taking time in solitude to connect with your soul’s wisdom through your heart. For Being fully the past soul-expressed is f o u r being purposeful in every moment no matter what you are doing, where you are, or who you are with. months, one of the reasons that has motivated me to get up at 4am every morning has been writing my new book, Soul-Hearted Living: A Year of Sacred Reflections and Affirmations for Women. Whether it is writing in the wee hours of the morning, walking my dog, coaching my clients, or sharing time with my loved ones, I heed my soul’s calling. Being able to spiritually serve women and light the way for them to have a more fulfilling and authentic life is one of the reasons I feel inspired to get out of bed every morning. It is in alignment with my soul’s calling. You don’t have to write a book to heed your soul’s calling; yet, you do have to know your soul’s blueprint. Like the architectural plans for building a new house, it gives you the divine plan for why you are here and tells the world who you are. This divine plan guides you to spiritually evolve. 29 we really are and what we truly want. In adopting such identities to please or assist others, our soul’s purpose can be hidden, suppressed, even lost.