Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Aug/Sept 2019 Aspire Mag FINAL | Page 41

that balance in our energy, the ability to decipher what energy we are using and being intentional about it allows for better flow. As I settled into truly understanding that divine balance is important, I realized that there are times that my energy can fully step into the divine feminine. I am creating. I am receiving my downloads. I am receiving. It is easy to write a blog article or create a class. I also realized that the actual posting of the blog, linking a sales page to my website or doing my bookkeeping is using the masculine energy. It is action out to the world. When we shift our own energy, we allow our own unique ebb and flow between the divine feminine and the divine masculine, we step more into our purpose. When we honor all our energy, we are more accepting and loving of ourselves. A healthy and thriving life is all about balance. Carolyn McGee - Master Intuitive Healer, Teacher & Coach Carolyn McGee, creator of the Soul Clarity SystemTM, specializes in Amplifying YOUR Intuitive Superpower to listen to, trust and follow your soul’s path to live the most joyful, healthy, connected and abundant purposeful life. She has co-authored 6 bestselling books, is a popular TV co-host and sought-after speaker and blogger. Unleash your intuitive superpowers and download the Soul Clarity Support Bundle today and visit for inspiring content. 41 An easy way to visualize this is to imagine a pendulum. Visualize the pendulum swinging ~10 degrees to the divine masculine and then ~10 degrees to the divine feminine and back. It cannot stop as energy is always moving. This gentle arc allows the optimum balance between these divine energies. As I recognized this, I scheduled blocks of time to utilize my divine feminine energy. I would create, journal, connect. Then I scheduled a divine masculine block of time to complete, post and do follow up.