Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Aug/Sept 2019 Aspire Mag FINAL | Page 25

trigger an unresolved pain that we haven’t fully healed. The pain may seem to come out of the blue; yet, it has been buried in our psyche for years. Even when you think you have worked through a traumatic experience; the subtle layers of pain may surface for healing when you least expect it. Without full release, however, this psychic pain can create chronic distress that can manifest as depression, anxiety, or physical illness. Only when such pain is released and then, transmuted into positive energy can we bring about self-healing. Releasing emotional pain breaks open your heart, so at first you feel “broken-hearted.” Yet, you can’t release such pain with your mind by trying to “just get over it.” As painful as it may feel, breaking open is how you break through to who you are at soul level. Like stripping away layers of paint to reveal handcrafted woodwork, you peel away the layers of unhealed parts of yourself to reveal the divine essence that lies within. By leaning in to your “sweet pain,” you initiate the life-death-rebirth cycle. In other words, you move through a form of experiential death. This metaphorical death allows you to liberate yourself from your past and transmute your By leaning in to your “sweet pain,” you initiate the life- death-rebirth cycle. In other words, you move through a form of experiential death. This metaphorical death allows you to liberate yourself from your past and transmute your pain into transformation. This only happens in the healing space of your heart, the seat of your loving, compassionate self. pain into transformation. This only happens in the healing space of your heart, the seat of your loving, compassionate self. Experiential death creates a shift in your consciousness, much like the experience of dying and physically detaching from the body. Such a shift can be frightening or disorienting, especially when the brain reacts to the act of letting go as a threat to life, and triggers symptoms like anxiety, heart palpitations, and lightheadedness. But even in experiential death, what really dies is your past experiences, not your true being. When you clear your past at the soul level, it actually becomes a “past life;” yet, you remain in the same body. In fact, when you let go of your old, painful self-definitions, your soul energy rises from the ashes like the phoenix—the mythical creature of purification and transformation. As the Buddhist nun, Pema Chödrön states, “To live is to be willing to die over and over again. From the awakened point of view, that’s life.” Seeing these life-death-rebirth cycles, as spiritual beginnings rather than endings teaches us how to fully live. Just as we know light through darkness, so can we know life through death. 25