Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) April/May 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 54

if you want to create abundance in your life, you might write out: I am grateful for the abundance and prosperity that flows continuously into my life. With gratitude, the more grateful we are in our lives, the more the Universe will provide. Essential Oils Incorporate Abundant Imagery in Art and Décor Choose artwork and décor pieces that remind you of the abundance you are manifesting in your life. Each person has a unique idea about what represents the type of abundance they wish to manifest, so there is no one size fits all. Imagery can include specific locations, animals, lifestyle, nature, words of affirmation, vision boards, and altars. The most important aspect of the imagery is that it inspires you or reminds you of your dream. You can also bring in energetic plants and crystals that carry the frequency of abundance into your space. EMOTIONAL ENVIRONMENT Different scents and smells can trigger unique emotions and feelings within us, as well as memories within our brains. Smells can affect our physiology. Choosing essential oils, fragrant plants, and fragrant candles specifically based on their own unique properties will enhance how we respond to our emotional environment. Use oils that elicit the feeling of abundance. SPIRITUAL ENVIRONMENT Visualize abundance, connect to your higher self, and tap into Universal Consciousness. Live in an emotional state of gratitude and enhance this environment with scents and smells. Pre-emptive Gratitude List At some point in your day, write out a pre-emptive gratitude list. These are the things you want to create in your life that have not necessarily happened yet. Write them as if they have already happened and you are thankful for them. For instance, 54 | April / May 2020 Abundance Vision Board Creating a vision board helps you visualize your goals and dreams daily and is a powerful tool of manifestation. The time spent putting the board together keeps you in the energy of your dreams. The completed vision board