Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Apr/May 2018 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 92

Supercharge Your Success by Opening to Receive the Universal Abundance A BY SUSAN BRADLEY-BOARTFIELD re you receiving a steady stream of clients? Are new opportunities knocking on your door? Are you experiencing the level of success your heart desires? If you answered no, you may be unconsciously denying the gifts of the universe. I was so surprised when I discovered the many ways, I was cutting off the flow of abundance. I thought I was being kind to others. I believed I was being unselfish, but I was wrong. I grew up being told, “Don’t be greedy” “Be happy with what you have” “It’s impolite to ask for anything”, Perhaps those sentiments are ringing true for you. I was the person that always paid for lunch, the movies, hotels, everything. I would never let anyone treat me. I would say that’s okay, you don’t have to. I never realized I was a chronic giver because I was unable to receive. When someone gave me a gift or did something nice for me, I felt guilty and would have to reciprocate. During Christmas I would keep several gender-neutral gifts in my closet in case someone gave me a gift I would have one for them as well. 92 | April / May 2019