Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Apr/May 2018 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 89

There’s no denying the collective awakening, albeit at different levels of consciousness, around the need to bring into our livelihood and its various permutation a good dose of spirit. Money shall not continue to be divorced from meaning, purpose, and spirit — neither will business. What are archetypes and why do they matter for our business? C.G. Jung considered archetypes to be forms or images of a collective nature, spreading across geography and cultures. Archetypes show up in myth, tales, but also in our individual lives. The origin of our understanding of archetypes started with the Greek philosopher Plato. Plato spoke of ‘elemental forms’ or ‘ideal forms,’ and he saw them as IDEA structures that formed a template for our material reality. Before a tree is a ‘tree,’ it exists in its ideal form as a tree. So the closer a physical tree is to its ‘ideal form,’ the stronger is its frequency and resonance. When we are looking to do business, not in the usual way that has been done in the last couple of centuries as the advent of the Industrial Revolution has taught us, we have to look at different ways to craft and market our business, for we know that traditional marketing and advertising needs a revolution. It needs to shift its focus from a scarcity mentality and the rules of demand, to make way for self-expression of our inherent gifts, a sense of purpose and connection to meaning. This is where the ancient language of astrology comes in. Astrology is a symbolic and archetypal language that has accompanied humanity’s evolution for eons. It is profoundly multi- layered and complex, but it allows one an almost infinite amount of material to work with when birthing a business that is archetypally aligned. For this very reason, astrology’s symbolic language is a potent business ally. Astrology serves as our roadmap into the archetypal landscape. Our starting point in this archetypal journey is through our SUN SIGN. In practical terms, astrology helps us navigate the business world, with its branding and marketing elements, much like the ancients navigated the oceans guided by the stars. 89 The desire to create a business that meets at the intersection of purpose and livelihood adds a different dimension to this heroic journey because it also becomes a personal and spiritual development endeavor. This also brings forth questions around how to market, brand and relate to money in a way that looks to restructure our capitalist way of doing business. Even if when starting one isn’t aiming at transforming our capitalist system, one is at lease circulating the issue. Whatever business one decides to birth, one element that will be brought into question is how does one address a burning question of our zeitgeist, which is the knowledge that we can’t continue to do business as usual, if we are to survive as a species.