Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Apr/May 2018 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 69

For years I went on and off diets, some sane, some downright insane (hello, prepackaged meals and freeze-dried snacks; I want a refund). I went through long periods of reckless abandonment, also known as eating everything I craved until all my clothes stopped fitting. When anything with an elastic waistband became my preferred pants for every outing, I would prepare for my next big diet adventure. Eventually I stopped going for extended periods of time in eating denial. I evolved to binging and restricting all within a week’s time. Monday was always redemption day for me. A fresh start and a new opportunity to finally stop abusing myself with food. I would plan my gym workouts, make my grilled chicken and vegetables, and promise myself that this week would be the start of something permanent. The thought of finally feeling good in my body evoked hopefulness and desire, which changed my eating behavior during the week. But by the end of the week, I was tired, stressed, and ready to break free from the almond-counting food prison of the past five days. It was a subtle shift, but my thoughts changed from “I want to feel good in my body” to “It’s the weekend, and I deserve comfort and rewards for all my hard work.” That subtle shift in thought created new emotions, which drove unhealthy weekend behaviors time after time. I was the epitome of the weekday warrior and the weekend partier. No diet could save me. If I wanted to make any real, permanent change, I had to look internally to examine the underlying thoughts that were consuming my brain. Once I started using my formula to get to the real root of the issue, true and permanent change emerged. Your thoughts are most likely subconscious; they ride underneath the surface, and you may not even notice they are there. If you heighten your awareness and start 69