Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Apr/May 2018 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 57

never imagined. She felt guided to return to an acupuncturist she’d seen many years before who used treatments, herbs, and diet. However, this time it all worked, perhaps because she’d finally released the grip of her ego’s identification with the problem. Although flare-ups still come, she’s much improved. With the simple substitution of ‘the’, grasping softens, and offering begins. Also a part of Sally’s process was acceptance. While this idea is currently popular, it can be far easier to invite through prayer than by trying to convince the ego to accept what it hates. This means praying to embrace something As It Is in the now. Not forever, just right now, since in God’s world, things can turn on a dime. Take, for example, “I’m worried right now about this business . . . and I’m thrilled to be offering all to Love for the right actions to be shown at the right time.” This can be applied to anything. Sally had built an entire agonizing identity centered around her terrible rheumatoid arthritis, which is so easy to do. She was always saying, “my illness,” “my restrictions,” “my expenses about all this” with increasing anger and desperation. I suggested that since she had nothing to lose, she could offer the entire mess to the Divine and release the my. She began to say, “I give this illness fully to You. Please, please make me open and show me the right actions. And if there’s not currently a solution, please at least let me accept this for now and make clear what I need to learn.” She immediately felt more spacious simply from dropping that my. And over time, the process of offering, acceptance, and disentanglement brought healing she’d Radical acceptance in the now opens the Flow. The concept that “whatever you resist, persists” has some truth. One of the greatest revelations of my life was that I could pray for this radical allowing, especially when stuck in total resistance. I could say, “Let me embrace this only for the moment. Let me say yes just for now.” Acceptance is neither resignation nor powerlessness, but an opening of the Way for the next right actions. © 2019. Tosha Silver Excerpted from the book, It’s Not Your Money: How to Live Fully from Divine Abundance. Hay House. Tosha Silver - Tosha graduated from Yale with a degree in English Literature but along the way fell madly in love with yogic philosophy. She enjoys finding fresh, funny ways to embrace the Divine, while avoiding conventional jargon and cliches at all cost. She loves how the sacred and mundane are truly One. Love Itself begins to lead when it is sincerely invited... by anyone. Learn more at 57 doership. One easy way to begin is simply by replacing ‘my’ with the. We’re taught to think of ‘my money’, ‘my body’, ‘my partner’, ‘my happiness’, ‘my failure’. Even ‘my awakening’. In Western culture, the trance of ‘my’ is king. But here’s the catch: If it all belongs to you (the ego), the burden is all yours as well.